Get connected. Get help.
Helping Mississippi in times of need
211 Mississippi is a statewide resource and referral service that connects callers with a variety of health and human service resources specific to their needs and geographical area. Nationwide, 211 covers all 50 states and 95% of the US population.
211 provides unmatched, critical services. 211 is a vital service leveraged by millions of people across North America. Every day, clients contact 211 to access free and confidential crisis and emergency counseling, disaster assistance, food, health care, stable housing and utilities payment assistance, employment services, veteran services and childcare and family services.
211 provides expert, caring help. No matter the situation, the specialists at 211 listen, identify underlying problems, and connect people in need with resources and services in their community that improve their lives.
211 meets real needs in real time. In 2019 alone, 211s in the US made more than 14 million connections to life-changing support and resources. There is no other network in the country that has a similar pulse on America's needs.
calls per month to 211 Mississippi seeking assistance
share of 211 Mississippi calls seeking assistance with utilities or rent payment
counties in Mississippi covered by 211 Mississippi