In the News
United Way partners with community organizations for annual 'Day of Action'
June 25, 2024

United Way partners with community organizations for annual 'Day of Action'
Crystal Tisme, WAPT Channel 16 News
June 25, 2024

United Way of the Capital Area worked alongside Hopeful Community Outreach for their annual "Day of Action," serving the Jackson community. Corporate volunteers gathered Tuesday to serve hot meals and hand out bags of food to those in need. 

Mea Ashley, corporate relationship director for United Way of the Capital Area, said they saw a need in the community and wanted to bring awareness to all the resources Hopeful Community Outreach has to offer.

"We have a lot of our corporate partners here today as well as community partners here to help 'Hopeful' out and to bring awareness to what they do here in the Jackson community," Ashley said.

Starting out as a barbershop, Hopeful Community Outreach has grown into a food pantry and learning center that is accessible to the Jackson community.

Treona Landfair, co-founder of the charity, said they've been feeding the homeless since 2013 after seeing a great need in the capital city.

"We would go around Jackson and see the homeless and pass out food plates just to them from what I would cook at home. And so, we opted to do something on a larger scale," Landfair said. "We help people that are homeless, people walk up, ride bikes up. We help those that are making six figures. You can never tell when someone is going through a tough time. And we want to able to help and accommodate for everyone."

Landfair said she hopes this can inspire others to help make changes in the community.

"It only takes one. Don't be a part of the problem, be a part of the solution and bring hope to the community. That's what we stand for," Landfair said.

Hopeful Community Outreach offers hot lunches and boxes of food every second and fourth Tuesday of the month.



In the News
United Way volunteers lend a hand to Hopeful Community Outreach during Day of Action
June 26, 2024

United Way volunteers lend a hand to Hopeful Community Outreach during Day of Action
Roslyn Anderson, WLBT Channel 3 News
June 26, 2024

United Way volunteers and partners answer the call to action revitalizing a Jackson nonprofit that feeds and educates the community. Many rely on Hopeful Community Outreach for their next meal and a hand-up. On Tuesday the small non-profit got a helping hand from organizations and businesses during the United Way of the Capital Area’s Day of Action.

“They’re here to help, and we need all the help we can get,” said Doris Ward.

The 81-year-old is among the more than 950 people who receive boxed meals from Hopeful Community Outreach during its twice-monthly food drives. The United Way of the Capital Area partnered with the non-profit during its Day of Action.

“It helps the family, you know. The boxes are real nice and like I say they have hot food when you come through, and I love the prayer. Oh I love that,” said Ward.

More than 50 volunteers cleaned and organized the pantry and learning center.

“In ‘07 God gave me a vision when I was locked up and incarcerated,” said Hopeful Community Outreach Executive Director Marcus Landfair.

In 2015 the Durant native started Hopeful from his barbershop after serving time in Parchman.

“God gave me a vision that I would own a barbershop, and I would do things out of the barbershop as far as education and enlightening and empowering,” said Landfair. “So when God blessed other people to help me and encourage me. I was illiterate at the age of 24, and I went to prison”.

The United Way chose Hopeful because of its educational, health and economic impact in the community.

“They’re a small non-profit here in Jackson, and a lot of people don’t know about it. So the great thing is that we had our corporate partners, our board members out here today to find out about the work that they’re doing,” said United Way of the Capital Area Corporate Relationship Director Mea Ashley.

The annual summer education program is delayed because they no longer have a tutor and are raising funds to expand the learning center to reach students and adults in the North Jackson community.

“People need to know it is love in the community,” added Landfair.

The organization distributes food boxes every second and fourth Tuesday.

Hopeful Community Outreach Inc. is located at 548 West Northside Drive, Jackson MS 39206. To learn more or to help with their mission you can email


In the News
United Way hosts Day of Action in Jackson
June 25, 2024

United Way hosts Day of Action in Jackson
Marie Mennefield, WJTV Channel 12 News
June 25, 2024

 Local organizations in Jackson teamed up on Tuesday to give back and invest in the citizens. United Way of the Capital Area hosted its Day of Action, which is dedicated to volunteerism.

Volunteers cleaned, stocked inventory, organized and packaged supplies with Hopeful Community Outreach as they prepare for their bi-monthly food pantry.

“With their food pantry, their learning center, and their individual coaching skills that they offer, they affect all our impact area. And so, we wanted to be here to help them. They have the food pantry drive every second and fourth Tuesday, and so they need more time to reach. And people come from miles away from Jackson,” said Mea Ashley, corporate relationship director for United Way of the Capital Area.

Officials said Hopeful Community Outreach is a pillar in underserved Jackson communities to help people rise above their social, economic, educational, and relational issues.